Live Training with Q&A

Enrollify provides ongoing weekly training and support on various topics to help you succeed. These sessions are designed to enhance your skills and knowledge continually.

For those of you who have recently started with us or need a refresher course after some time away, it's essential to grasp the importance of continuous learning and adaptation. Enrollify offers a weekly New Guru Onboarding training every Wednesday at 10 am Pacific / 1 pm Eastern. This live session is hosted by Tiffany Fuentes, our Head of Recruiting, and it’s designed to ensure that you are well-equipped to navigate and utilize the system effectively.

This training session is more than just an introduction; it's a foundational step in mastering the tools and strategies that will define your success. You'll learn how to craft a compelling profile, a skill that goes beyond mere aesthetics and taps into the core of presenting your professional identity with clarity and confidence. Additionally, this session provides a platform to address any questions you may have, fostering a deeper understanding and engagement with the system.

The ability to ask questions and seek clarification is crucial. It's an exercise in engagement and a demonstration of your commitment to continuous improvement. Engaging with these sessions consistently will not only enhance your technical skills but also cultivate a mindset geared towards growth and excellence.

We encourage you to take full advantage of this opportunity. Register using the link below and join us as we embark on this journey of development and mastery together.

New Guru Orientation Registration


Enrollify is committed to your continuous development by helping you expand your knowledge base and expertise. While our comprehensive Learning Management System (LMS) is ideal for those who prefer a DIY approach, we understand the value of live interaction and direct engagement. That’s why we offer Guru Office Hours every Thursday at 9 am Pacific and 12 pm Eastern, rotating through five different topics each cycle.

These live sessions provide an opportunity to ask questions directly to our team, gain new skills, and learn from the inquiries of your peers. Engaging in these sessions fosters a deeper understanding and helps you stay ahead in your field. We encourage you to register for these weekly trainings to enhance your skill set and contribute to the collective knowledge of the community. The link below is the link you will use each week through the five week cycle.

Guru Office Hours Registration